Saturday, October 18, 2008

under the water

I got impossibly high last night at a friend's going away party. I felt like I was drowning, just sinking into this deep, deep, water and there was no one to pull me out, so I just let myself sink, until I sunk into the bottom of the ocean and settled.

Mr D was there, and there was drama with some of his friends. I sat in the the corner of a leather couch between two boys who were talking about football and tried to stay warm. I'm always cold here--except for in bed last night. Mr D wrapped himself around me and passed out and I sweated out all of the drugs and the Jack.

I like Edinburgh better than St Andrews. I wish I could put into words what it is, but it's nothing I can put my finger on. They both have good people, fun bars, nice cafes, stunning views. But I don't want to go back to St Andrews this afternoon.

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